A Sign

Be Brave to close that door,

You will be rewarded with a beginning once more

Sticking around for the sake of hope,

Just listen to your gut, your body;

It will be honest

And tell you if that hope is worth staying for

You are a Sensory, Spiritual, Intelligent Being,

You register subtle signs, clues, answers;

Just by being, Just by existing

Don’t gaslight yourself and your body,

You know better than to doubt it

That anxiety, That itch, That ache unexplained,

It is the manifest;

Your soul, your body, your energy trying to tell you something

Let this moment assure you,

Let this be the sign,

It is not giving up,

If staying is so futile

Choosing to feel better is your freedom,

It is your right,

Give yourself permission,

To choose yourself

This moment promises you,

It is ok to let go,

Be Brave to close that door,

You will be rewarded with a beginning once more

6 thoughts on “A Sign

  1. Be brave to close the door,
    You will be rewarded with beginning once more..

    These are such beautiful lines that it pierce your heart straight.
    Thank you for such beautiful lines..

    Liked by 1 person

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